Friday, April 3, 2009

Sacha Baron Cohen: A True Genius Artist

They say great art takes great courage, this guy has it in spades. I think he is now officially my hero. As if his original show in England and on HBO wasn't great enough, along with his monster, "mainstream" hit as Borat, he takes one of my lesser favorite characters and does this:

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Barack, it's not political, it's common sense

"WASHINGTON, March 17 (Reuters) - President Barack Obama, stepping up lobbying for his record $3.5 trillion budget, called on Tuesday for an end to finger-pointing and challenged Congress to offer constructive changes."

Here's a constructive change: How about setting an agenda or political philosophy and sticking to it?

"Nearly two months after taking office, Obama is also trying to distance his economic and budget plans from mounting public anger over costly government bailouts.

Lesson one: Never confuse personal popularity and campaigning with popularity of decision making.

"The American people sent us here to get things done," Obama said. "Let's pass a budget that puts this nation on the road to lasting prosperity."

So, "getting things done" loosely translates to: "Spend as much money as possible, unless it's unpopular then blame others." This doesn't sound like CHANGE. This sounds like politics as usual! Wait a second.

SUMMARY: It's much easier to run a vague campaign as 'Not-Bush' then it is to make the tough choices and take the hits. Also, Barack stop talking for like 10 minutes. You're the President for God sakes. Make what you say important. You've become like a talking Blog.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Obama is reading this blog

In the, "Finally I've discovered a clue department" comes this:

"WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama on Monday offered a fresh package of aid to small businesses — "the heart of the American economy" — in an aggressive push to get big banks that got federal bailout money to do more lending to these struggling entrepreneurs.
"You deserve a chance. America needs you to have that chance," Obama told small business owners gathered in the White House East Room as the administration detailed various steps to get credit flowing to small businesses.

With Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner by his side, Obama said the nation has small businesses to thank for many of the new jobs, roughly 70 percent in the last decade. Geithner said as small businesses prosper, the nation does, a critical element to any economic recovery."

Wow. 70%. You're kidding. Thanks for the number to add to this post, as I didn't know the exact statistic. Isn't this like COMMON KNOWLEDGE for anyone in business older that 22. Too bad they already put so much money into everything else. Trillions for the other 30%. A few billion for the 70%. Makes sense.

And the, "You deserve a chance..." line. Gee, thanks Barack. Thanks for the chance. Couldn't do it without the help of our oldest and dearest friend as entrepreneurs — the US Federal Government. Second only in their generous and unabashed support for small business to large banks.

Stay tuned as we discover that healthy businesses don't need tons of loans to survive, and maybe, just maybe, could simply be supported for their success with either less government interference, or help with things like healthcare costs, or maybe some direct incentives for hiring full-time ... or I don't about ANYTHING at all, now that I think about it.

Until then, the ingenious system of government rewards for failure and tax increases for showing a profit will simply continue. Government doing what it does best — inefficiently spending other peoples' money.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Too many reruns of Shotime's 'Weeds!?'

I'm a huge fan of Shotime's show, 'Weeds' which to me perfectly captures the sense of neo-existential, nihilistic, 'me-first' thinking that has become pervasive in California. Fund your McMansion suburban life by selling drugs. Perfect, distilled capitalism with no ethics or personal responsibility whatsoever.

Well, turns out in the New America, why stop there? Make it public policy!

"Could marijuana be the answer to the economic misery facing California? Democratic State Assembly member Tom Ammiano thinks so. Ammiano introduced legislation last month that would legalize pot and allow the state to regulate and tax its sale - a move that could mean billions for the cash-strapped state. Pot is, after all, California's biggest cash crop, responsible for $14 billion in annual sales, dwarfing the state's second largest agricultural commodity - milk and cream - which brings in $7.3 billion annually, according to the most recent USDA statistics. The state's tax collectors estimate the bill would bring in about $1.3 billion in much-needed revenue a year, offsetting some of the billions in service cuts and spending reductions outlined in the recently approved state budget."

Perfect! Maybe we could have a giant, government-sponsored world gambling casino that sells guns and liquor with legalized prostitution and neon lights to fund the bailouts.

Wait, that sounds EXACTLY like Las Vegas.

China on Stimulus: We're no AIG!

Funny how it's different when it's your money. Just ask China:

"Premier Wen Jiabao's message is unlikely to be misunderstood at the White House. It is counting on Beijing to help pay for its stimulus package by buying U.S. bonds. China already is Washington's biggest foreign creditor, with an estimated $1 trillion in U.S. government debt. A weaker dollar would erode the value of those assets."

Anyone with half a financial clue, [like people on Wall Street] ... realize that this is just a farce and even people behind it are starting to back peddle.

"I'm approving it but don't waste it — or else."

"I'm signing it but I'm not behind all the special interest line items."

The problem is for the average American who pays their bills and repays what they borrow, it just defies common sense:

Who spends tons of money when they're losing tons of money?!

How does going into deeper debt fix bad debt?!

How does propping up poorly run companies make them fix anything?!

Isn't this sort of reckless, "borrow against the future" thinking what got us here!? How do you take money from people without jobs, process it through a bureaucracy, then try to help them by returning a fraction of what they put in?! I'm just saying.

I guess China is no AIG.

We are NOT pre-approved for a 30 year mortgage we can't afford at a 60% debt level.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Washington's Economic Self Stimulation

In a landmark and sweeping wave of the Federal Magic Wand, and despite nearly universal, factual agreement that small business is the catalyst and engine of US growth, the wise policy-makers of Washington have declared themselves as the solution to all things economic.

In this compelling breakdown of the plan, I noticed at least two things missing:

1- A, "US Business" or "US Small Business" line item. Unless you're a supplier of parks and road improvement, government/school consulting or a vague set of "Green Job" creators, good luck, you're on your own trying to grow and create jobs as usual. Literally now even a mention. Nothing. Zero. Nada.

2- A clear, concise vision of the philosophy and approach behind the plan. For example, "This is the New, New Deal." Or, "Americans know their future, and the future of our country includes the following key changes in the way we live and work: X, Y, Z. This plan starts us down that road." Can we get even a modest investor Powerpoint pitch? Or any logical explanation that makes sense to a non bureaucrat? How about just a catchy name? "Stimulus Plan." Sound like a working title at best. Even Bush was able to stutter out, "Axis of Evil." to combat the, "Threat of State Sponsored Terrorism."

I can't wait for more of the, "Mess we inherited" excuses. With 36K invested in debt for every man, woman, and child in the country, one thing is for sure:

Mess or not, successful or not — our children will inherit this, "Stimulus" like it or not.

Will there ever be an America where we don't have to wait from the, "Trickle Down" from billion dollar companies or hope that teachers, government employees and the poor, "Trickle Up" the country?!

I'm calling four more years of polarizing policy, if this effort is exemplary of "Change" in America — the pendulum simply swinging wildly again.

UPDATE: Turns out, I'm not alone in feeling the polarizing effect of this set of decisions.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The US Government: Engine of Economic Growth

I guess, "change" means relying on that dynamic catalyst for business growth, the Federal Government. A baffling strategy to me.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Signs of Economic Recovery in 2009

OK, so far, there are not many. Normally I'd be pessimistic but for some reason, I don't feel that way, despite the dearth of depression, gloom and doom news and talk.... and there is one other person on board.

If by some miracle you come across this little blog, join the two of us... a few million more attitude adjustments and optimism could be reality!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mad about Madoff, McMansions and American Ethics

From the file of, "Has it really been 200 years since the Puritan notion of American values representing a, 'shining city on a hill for all the world to see?!'" comes the following inspiring examples of modern American ethics:
  1. People laying off all their family servants
  2. Companies involved in government kick backs
  3. People spending other peoples money with no SEC over site
  4. Politicians selling favors
  5. Industries that haven't fixed themselves in 20 years looking for handouts
Ethics? Pride? Family? Values? .... Anyone?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Looking for upbeat economic news? This isn't it.

A pretty interesting Point of View. Looks like Venture Capital may finally realized the days of trendy, gimmicky IPO's for ROI may not return and it's time to focus on fundamentals.... like incrementally building business value over time based on real revenue.